
earsense is the chamber music exploratorium: a broad, deep, rich and comprehensive database of chamber music composers, works, movements, videos, scores, program notes, glossary, links etc. and a very powerful search engine. more

Chamber Music

Simply put, chamber music is classical music for a small ensemble, typically, 3 to 6 players without a conductor. Intimate, intense, beautiful, adventurous and profound, chamber music has compelled the world's finest composers, players and listeners for nearly 500 years and is still so vital today. more

Popular Favorites

A great place to discover chamber music or to expand your love and knowledge of the genre is the our list Popular Favorites. Here you will find a few hundred of the greatest, time-honored classics highlighting the most important composers, ensembles, styles and eras. explore

Women Composers

Focus on women chamber music composers using the rich search capabilities on earsense for additional filtering by nationality, date, instrumentation, etc. We currently list over 7,000 works by over 700 women composers. Here's a random example: String quartets by French women. explore

21st Century Chamber Music

Chamber music is an art form that is arguably 500 years old and it continues to flourish today. Small-ensemble instrumental art music is astonishingly renewable. Here are more than 1,000 21st Century Chamber Music works you can hear right now. explore

Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges (1745-1799)

Black Music Matters

Historically, "Classical" music has been dominated by what American composer Joan Tower humorously calls the "DWEMS": Dead White European Males. This is certainly true of its historical origins and the period before the 20th century, but less (and less) true since, particularly if one is willing to look beyond a conservative, traditional "canon."
In the spirit of "Black Lives Matter" to raise awareness, celebrate Black achievement and highlight more great music, here as a list of more than 100 Black composers featuring at least 1,000 chamber music works dating from 1773 to the present day.
Naturally, this includes a number of works by Black women composers as well. You can add ensemble or instrument names to further filter the list, e.g. "string quartets by black composers." Contact earsense if you want to add to the list.

50 for the Future

The Kronos Quartet presents a free library of fifty new string quartets designed to guide players in developing and honing the skills required for the performance of 21st-century repertoire. The project has gathered a stunning diversity of composers and musicians to create new music "of our time" now added to earsense as well. explore


Lists are useful collections (e.g. playlists) of chamber music works: featured in book, presented by a festival, recommended by experts, offered by a publisher, etc. Also, derived lists: the most popular, outliers, focused on a specific ensemble, especially chosen for your listening pleasure. Useful for exploration, study, programming or simply curiosity, all about getting to know chamber music. explore


Given a vast database of chamber music composers and works (along with dates, times, tags, scores, videos and other relationships, etc.), one of the best things about earsense is a very powerful search engine. You can make simple but potentially rich keyword searches using the field at the top of every page or use the advanced search form for highly structured and precise queries. explore

Durations & Timing

Useful for presenters, performers, planning, study and comparision, earsense provides timings: the average duration of chamber music works and the movements they comprise. In most cases, the values are derived from a sampling of commercial recordings for the greatest validity. example


earsense features timelines on composer and work pages both to give you a sense of historical context and to provide a means of exploration. Timelines vividly show something of history and relationship in a vivid graphic and the lines are links you can click to explore more. example


The earsense home page has famously featured a randomly selected thought-provoking, musically-related quote every time you visit. It used to be on the home page. It is now on the earsense dashboard along with other frequently changing and updated resources. explore


You can customize how earsense looks and behaves in a variety of ways to suit your personal preferences. Your settings are saved in a cookie and remain in effect for that browser/device combination until you change them again. explore>

Program Notes

earsense features articles and program notes from a variety of sources providing a verbal dimension for exploring music through history, aesthetics, analysis, philosophy, biography, etc.. If you wish to reprint anything PLEASE obtain permission from earsense. Otherwise, all rights are reserved and reproduction is strictly prohibited. explore


The dashboard is a "busy box" of what's happening today, what's the latest and greatest at earsense featuring: anniversaries, latest videos, composers and works, a random quote, and running totals of items in the earsense database. It is intended as a quick overview as well as as a map for exploration with numerous opportunities to jump off or dive in. explore


Work pages provide links to public domain scores from the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) when available. The IMSLP pages provide all kinds of detailed information in addition to the score itself. We also proudly feature links to Edition Silvertrust scores from a fine publisher of lesser known chamber music works worthy of investigation. example


earsense is modeled down to the individual movement. Works with details show movement titles and durations, and you can search movements by title, duration, tags and more. Many works have one or more individual videos per movement making them a first class entity. example


earsense is intended for a wide audience: music lovers, students, performers, teachers, presenters, composers, beginners, experts and the curious. Ideally, there is something useful and interesting for everyone. explore


The earsense dashboard features composer anniversaries: those who were born or died today. Coming soon, earsense will provide a service to determine important anniversaries of composers and works for a given date, ideal for thematic programming and planning repertoire. explore

Latest Videos

earsense features thousands of embedded YouTube chamber music videos with new ones added all the time. You can find a list featuring the most recently added videos on the earsense dashboard, essentially showing "what's new" at earsense. explore

Composer Dictionary

As a chamber music exploratorium, earsense provides several ways to search, browse and explore. You can browse composers using a "traditional" dictionary interface from A to Z. Each letter is apt to have several pages of composers. For more specific searching, filtering or sorting, use the search engine. browse


Composers, works and movements can be "tagged" to provide additional classifications, for example, "fugue, "Baroque", "theme and variations", "impressionism", "atonal" and much more. You can show/hide tags (settings) and also use them in searches. Like tags on most sites, they are meaningful keywords. explore


Work pages feature a context-sensitive glossary in the sidebar offering short, practical definitions of terms used in work and movement titles or highlighting technical aspects of the work's form, style or technique. Embedded links offer further exploration. example

Contact earsense

We love hearing from you! Contact us about anything: praise, criticism, questions, corrections, creative ideas, poetic ramblings, problems or suggestions. Here at earsense, we're all ears. contact