Eleanor Alberga

Eleanor Alberga (born 1949)

Nationality: Jamaican
Born: September 30, 1949, Kingston (age 75)

String Quartet No. 1

(for 2 violins, viola and cello)
6:26 I. Détaché et matellato e zehr lebhaft und Swing It Man
7:05 II. Espressivo with Wonder and Yearning
7:06 III. Frantically Driven yet Playful
Duration: 21 minutes (approximately)
Composed: 1993 (age 43-44)
1 recording, 3 videos
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Ensemble Arcadiana
I. Détaché et matellato e zehr lebhaft und Swing It Man
Ensemble Arcadiana
II. Espressivo with Wonder and Yearning
Ensemble Arcadiana
III. Frantically Driven yet Playful