If anyone can lay claim to the sobriquet "The Swedish Haydn", it is Johan Wikmanson (1753-1800) whose familiarity with the Vienna classics, and in particular Haydn, was unparalleled at the time in Sweden. Wikmanson was born in Stockholm and, except for 18 months spent in Copenhagen studying mathematics and instrument making, lived his entire life in the Swedish capital. He was a superb organist and for many years held the post of organist at the Storkyrkan, Stockholm's principal church. He was also an accomplished cellist. Nonetheless, like most Swedish musicians of this era, he was unable to earn his living solely as a practicing musician and was forced to find employment as a government accountant. He did, however, obtain some recognition during his lifetime. In 1788, he was made a member of the Swedish Royal Academy and later was put in charge of its music program.
Wikmanson composed five string quartets, none which were published during his lifetime. After his early death of tuberculosis in 1800, his friend Gustav Silverstolpe published, at his own expense, what he considered to be the three best, titling them Opus 1. Later, Silverstolpe gave the rights to the well-known German publisher Breitkopf and Härtel, hoping they would publish the quartets and hence give them wider circulation. However, this appears not to have happened. No new edition appeared for more than 170 years.
We do not know exactly when the three "Op.1" string quartets, as Silverstolpe styled them, were composed. They certainly were not Wikmanson's first compositions. Most scholars believe they were composed toward the very end of his life. The Op.1 Quartets were dedicated to Haydn, albeit posthumously. Though Wikmanson did not know Haydn personally, it is clear that he was familiar with Haydn's quartets, including the Op.76 which were published in 1799, the year before Wikmanson's death. Haydn for his part, was very impressed by these works and endeavored to stimulate interest in them.
String Quartet No.3 is perhaps the most Haydnesque of the three works. Certainly the charming opening movement, Allegro, brings Haydn to mind. The movement is interesting because it proceeds by way of variation. The second movement, a Romance, also uses variations each more appealing than previous. Next comes a very typical Haydn-like minuet and the exciting finale, Scherzando poco presto, also sounds like it came from the pen of the master.
Our edition is based on a copy of the 1801 Silverstolpe publication by the Stockholm firm of Olaf Åhlström. While amateurs will take pleasure from a fine classical era work which is not difficult to play, the quartet is a viable options for professionals who wish to show what was being written at the same time as Haydn.