Born: July 5, 1917, LondonDied: October 12, 2012, Prague (age 95)
chamber music, Kammermusik [G], musique de chambre [F], musica da camera [I], musica cameralis [L]—"Classical Music" for a small ensemble, generally 8 or fewer players with a canonical emphasis on 3-6 players. explore
piano quartet, Klavierquartett [G], Quatuor avec piano [F]—a ensemble (work) comprising violin, viola, cello and piano. Most of the great Classical and Romantic composers produced one or more works for this combination of which many are masterworks of chamber music.
quartet, quatuor [F], quartett [G], quartetto [I], cuarteto [S]—ensemble or work for four players the most important examples being the string quartet and the piano quartet
Rhapsody, rapsodie [F], rapsodic, rapsodico [I]—a free structure, a flight of fancy, typically featuring a wide range of moods, expressions and colors. Often features a recurring theme(s) and an episodic form.