Edition Silvertrust
683 of 689
Eric Zeisl

Eric Zeisl (1905-1959)

Eric [Erich] Zeisl
Nationality: American | Austrian
Born: May 18, 1905, Vienna Died: February 18, 1959, Los Angeles (age 53)
Results per Page



Show Movements
Date Age Duration Work Assets
1956 50-51 14:00
1953 47-48 27:00
1920-c. 1924 14-19 32:00
1930-1933 24-28
String Quartet No. 1 in d minor
1950 44-45
Violin Sonata, Brandeis
1950 44-45
Viola Sonata
1951 45-46
Cello Sonata
Menuhim's Song (for violin and piano)
Shepherd's Melody (for clarinet and piano)
Souvenir (for bassoon and piano)
Greek Melody (for 3 clarinets)
Duckie's Dance (for 3 clarinets)
Suite, Op. 2 (for violin and piano)
Spanish Dance for Wind Quintet
The Hunt (for 4 horns)
The Alamo (for 4 trombones)
On the Grave of Napoleon (for 4 trumpets)
Chinese Princess (for 4 flutes)
Two Hedge-hogs (for oboe, bassoon and piano)
The Clarinet Players Penny Song (for 4 clarinets)

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Nationality: Austrian
Born: June 11, 1874, Vienna Died: December 11, 1967, Montpelier, VT (age 93)