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17 of 121
Harvey J. Stokes

Harvey J. Stokes (born 1957)

Nationality: American
Born: 1957 (age 67 or 68)
Results per Page



Show Movements
Date Age Duration Work Assets
2007 49-50 36:00
1992 34-35 27:00
1995 37-38 26:00
2002 44-45 16:00
1990 32-33 13:00
1976 18-19 11:00
1978 20-21 10:00
2010 52-53
Suite for Five Winds
2018 60-61
Prelude and Escapade for Wind Quintet
1999 41-42
String Quartet No. 4
2014 56-57
String Quartet No. 5
2016 58-59
String Quartet No. 6
2019 61-62
String Quartet No. 7
2020 62-63
String Quartet No. 8
2021 63-64
String Quartet No. 9
2001 43-44
Viola Sonata
2005 47-48
Flute Sonata
2010 52-53
DIVA Suite (for bassoon and piano)
2015 57-58
Oboe Sonata No. 2
1997 39-40
Cello Sonata