John Corigliano

John Corigliano (born 1938)

Nationality: American
Born: February 16, 1938, New York City (age 86)
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Show Movements
Date Age Duration Work Assets
2003 64-65 3:00
2003 64-65 5:00
1999 60-61 10:00
1997 58-59
Fancy on a Bach Air (for solo cello)
1995 56-57 33:00
1995 56-57 10:00
1994 55-56
How Like Pellucid Statues, Daddy (for 4 bassoons)
1994 55-56
The Red Violin: Chaconne for Violin and Piano (for violin and piano)
1993 54-55
Phantasmagoria (for cello and piano)
1988 49-50
Voyage (for flute, 2 violins, viola, cello and bass)
1963 24-25
Sonata (for violin and piano)

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Nationality: American
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