Martin Bresnick

Martin Bresnick (born 1946)

Nationality: American
Born: 1946 (age 78 or 79)
Results per Page



Show Movements
Date Age Duration Work Assets
1978 31-32 22:00
1988 41-42 21:00
1992 45-46 20:00
1984 37-38 18:00
1968 21-22 16:00
String Quartet No. 1
1985 38-39 15:00
Just Time for Wind Quintet
2007 60-61 15:00
Everything Must Go for Saxophone Quartet
1999 52-53 12:00
Bird as Prophet (for violin and piano)
2004 57-58 11:00
Ballade (for cello and piano)
1999 52-53 11:00
Songs of the Mouse People (for cello and vibraphone)
2015 68-69 11:00
And I Always Thought (for clarinet, violin and piano)
1995 48-49 11:00
2010 63-64 10:00
Going Home (Vysoke, My Jerusalem) for Oboe Quartet (for oboe, violin, viola and cello)
2014 67-68 10:00
Handwork (for 2 pianos)
1997 50-51 9:00
*** (for clarinet, viola and piano)
1995 48-49 4:00
2002 55-56
My Twentieth Century (for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello and piano)
2019 72-73
String Quartet No. 4, The Planet on the Table

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