Mason Bates

Mason Bates (born 1977)

Nationality: American
Born: January 23, 1977, Richmond, VA (age 47)
Results per Page



Show Movements
Date Age Duration Work Assets
2013 35-36 23:00
2005 27-28 17:00
2012 34-35 3:00
2004 26-27 13:00
2002 24-25 15:00
Mercury Soul (for clarinet and piano)
2014 36-37
Pousse Cafe (for violin and piano)
2007 29-30 20:00
2011 33-34 13:00
2002 24-25 12:00
2012 34-35 12:00
The Life of Birds (for flute, clarinet, violin and cello)
2011 33-34 16:00

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Nationality: American
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John Corigliano (born 1938)
Nationality: American
Born: February 16, 1938, New York City (age 86)