Mirrie Hill

Mirrie Hill (1889-1986)

Mirrie Irma Jaffa Hill [née Solomon]
Nationality: Australian
Born: December 1, 1889, Randwick Died: May 1, 1986 (age 96)
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Show Movements
Date Age Duration Work Assets
1969 79-80
Come summer (for clarinet and piano)
1971 81-82
Pan plucked a reed (for oboe and piano)
1945 55-56
Incidental music for Three shepherds for String Quartet
1971 81-82
Abinu Malkenu (for violin and piano)
String Quartet in A major
The Dancing Fawn (for flute and piano)
Sarabande (for flute and piano)
Bourrée (for flute and piano)
In a moonlit garden (for violin and piano)

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1900 WWI WWII Alfred Hill (1869-1960) Mirrie Hill (1889-1986)
Alfred Hill (1869-1960)
Nationality: Australian
Born: December 16, 1869, Melbourne Died: October 30, 1960, Sydney (age 90)